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Yes, you have the ability to add an automatic surcharge to your transactions which is then passed on to your customers.
Surcharging has been popular for some time in Australia and New Zealand. This trend is increasing especially in service industries like hospitality and retail.
If you decide surcharging is not right for your business or vice versa then you can easily move to our Low FEE EFTPOS option. Please contact us for further information on switching products.
With Pay Nothing EFTPOS, if you meet the monthly minimum transaction value of $10,000 per month, then you're eligible for $0 terminal rental.¹ Additionally, all transaction fees are automatically passed on to your customers as a surcharge, so your business pays nothing.
Please note: The Pay Nothing EFTPOS solution may not be suitable for your business needs and circumstances. Contact us to find out which EFTPOS solution is best suited for your business.
¹$0 terminal rental is based on meeting min. monthly transaction volume of $10,000 per month, per terminal. Where this min transaction volume is not met in any month, a fee of $29 (inc. GST) per terminal applies for that month.