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What does the Merchant Portal give me access to and how do I use it?
Firstly, it is important to know that the merchant portal is where all of your businesses' transactional data is stored securely. It is useful to review this regularly as it helps you keep track of payments and funding going through your business..
Each time you process a transaction through your EFTPOS terminal, payment gateway, or via a payment link information is sent to the portal. Within the portal you have a dashboard view which provides a snapshot of your daily, weekly and monthly sales, funding, fees, and total volume amounts. These are all conveniently laid out in table or chart format so it is easier to review.
There are then a number of specific reports that help you dig a bit deeper into the data:
Settled Transactions - you can either select a summary view, which provides totals for the day broken down by Payment Type (Visa, Mastercard, eftpos etc), or there is a detailed view which allows you to export every individual transaction for any given time/date period. The settled transaction report will show you all settled transactions including any transactions that were declined.
Chargeback Reports - a chargeback might occur if a customer disputes a transaction that was processed via your business. Chargebacks can come up for a number of reasons, including if the customer feels that the product or service provided was not as described, or if they never received a product or service that they had paid for. If a customer does dispute a transaction then you will be able to view the details in the chargeback report. You will be able to view the amount, chargeback date, chargeback type and other information relating to the transaction.
Funding Deposits - in Funding Deposits you can view all of the funding amounts that we have generated and sent to your funding account. This is broken down by date so you can use this to reconcile your own accounts and ensure that the amounts funded are the amounts you were expecting. The main thing to look for in this report are the settled amounts (settled bankcards) and then the net deposit amount. The net deposit is what has been funded to you. This amount may vary to the settled amount depending on the settlement method you are on. If you are on a net settlement then we retain the fees from your funding each day which would make the net deposit amount slightly less that the settled amount.
Lastly, it is worth pointing out that your monthly merchant statements are also stored and downloadable from the merchant portal. If you navigate to the Billings tab on the left you will be able to select merchant statements and then use the link next to the month you wish to view, to download the report. Within the document you get a full breakdown of your fees and charges.
If you need any assistance with accessing your merchant portal its best to call or email our support team on or 1800 338 767.